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Friday, February 15, 2013

Valentines Dinner

 Usually for valentines day we go out to dinner which turns out bad for my nutrition. I decided yesterday after work I would stop at the grocery store and grab some food and I would make Shaileen dinner for Valentines day. I just have to say that I have the best wife on the face of the planet. I can assure this because she has put up and stayed married to be for the past 4 years. :) I love her.

As you can tell I grilled up some chicken breast in a Hawaiian marinade.I also found some Brown Whole Wheat Rice that comes in little baggies. I usually suck at cooking rice but all you have to do is throw it in a pan with 4 cups of water and let it boil for 10 minutes. It cooked perfectly (in my opinion at least, Shaileen may have another opinion though, haha) I then cut up some Romaine Lettuce and put some seasoning on the top, not sure what it is called though but really good. Light Italian dressing on the lettuce is what finished it up. I ate it as shown on the first picture but shaileen mixed it all up and made it into a salad with rice and chicken.

I would definately recommend the rice baggies, check em out.

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