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Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Shayloss Dietbet

One of the things that motivated me to start getting back on track as funny as it sounds is money. I watch this youtube channel called the Shaytards. You may have heard of them before or possibly even seen them.

Well the Dad of the family lost over 100 lbs and decided to put on a Shaytober to get everyone healthy. He also signed up for a dietbet. If you have not heard of dietbet I would definately recommend checking it out. It is a form of competition where everyone puts in a certain amount of money. In this competition it was $30. The way it works is if you lose 4% of your body weight in 28 days you make your money back plus everyone that made the goal splits the rest of the money between themselves. How cool is that? I guess on average people are almost doubling their money is what I have heard. How cool is that! After this dietbet I will probably take the money I get back and earn and put it right back into another dietbet. It has been great motivation this past month.

Back about 2 weeks ago I weighed in at a whopping 335.8 lbs. I have bever been this big in my life. When I saw that number it just about killed me that I was doing that to myself and making a terrible example for my son. To date, which is 22 days later, I have lost a total of 21.6 lbs. Got a long ways to go and I am going to do it.
Check out this video, it will tell you all about the dietbet way better than I ever could. ENJOY!
DietBet - Have Fun. Lose Weight. Make Money! from DietBet on Vimeo.

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