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Monday, November 11, 2013

Crappy Sundays and weigh in tomorrow

Yesterday was a tough day. My wife and I were out and about a lot of the day. It made it tough to eat healthy. I ate several things that I probably shouldn't have and the scale showed that this morning as well. Sundays are going to be the tough days to stay healthy because we have family dinners 3 out of the 4 weeks. I don't have much of a choice over what is cooked. I guess I will just have to be more careful and restrain more. Here is to a good week.

I am excited for tomorrow! It is the day that I get to weigh in for the final of the dietbet that I got to be apart of. I lost over my 4% and will be making some money. I have no idea how much but will be excited to see how much. Now to decide if I want to reinvest it into another diet bet over the next month or cash it out. :)

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