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Monday, November 18, 2013

Put your fork down between bites

I have always devoured all of my food so quick that I almost don't even taste it. This has gotten me into trouble because I used to shovel it into my face so quick that I would get so sick and always eat way too much food. I have found that if I put my fork down in between bites I chew my food slower and enjoy the food. In turn, my stomach can tell me when it is full rather and just filling it way more than I should. If it is something I eat with my hands I have been making a concious effort to put the food down inbetween bites as well. I don't pick the food back up until I have completely chewed the food and swallowed. I read somewhere that most of us can eat a meal in 10 minutes, yet it takes our stomachs at least 20 minutes after we're done eating to signal our brains that we're no longer hungry. When we slow down we give our stomach just enough time to catch up with our brain, which in turn helps us eat less. So, next time you eat try it and see how it works out for you because it certainly works for me.

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