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Wednesday, November 20, 2013

The infamous CHUBRUB

Wanna know what's kinda weird and funny. One of the biggest reasons I want to be fit is to never get the nasty horrible painful chub rub again! If you don't know what I am talking about you should be thankful. I will explain. 

In the urban dictionary it lists chubrub as:
noun The meaning for hot, sweaty and clampy skin on the legs as a result from the large masses of fat on the bodies of ugly girls and little boys.

Usually to avoid the nasty chub rub when working out I wear under armour underwear. However, yesterday for some weird reason I forgot to change out of the regular underwear I wear. When I got home from a 4 mile run I was in pain. I kept thinking how stupid can I be. The rest of the night and most of today I have been paying for it. Sometimes during the summer as a fat kid even when you are not working out you sweat and the cub rub starts. 

This is one of my motivations to get healthy. I was reading articles online before I wrote this by fat people. Each of the articles that I read wrote things to prevent getting the infamous chubrub but none of them simply said to get out and lose the weight. It really is as simple as that. Finding motivation in the littlest things is what has helped me though this journey so far. Find what can help you make it and get out and move!

1 comment:

  1. Nice Blog. Thank you to share great information. I read your post carefully. But some questions are coming in mind. Can you clear that. Which products are best to stop chub rub?
