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Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Jillian Michaels Podcast

I have about a 30 minute drive to and from work everyday. Instead of just listening to music I listen to a lot of podcasts. They are so much more educational and entertaining to me. Sometimes after a long day of work I feel like I may fall asleep. Got to keep my mind engaged. Well, yesterday during the drive to work I was listening to Jillian Michaels podcast. There was this lady that called in with a question about how to get her motivation back. She used to be about 4'11" and 110 lbs but recently got married, went on her honeymoon which was a cruise and is up to about 135lbs. She said that she had gotten lazy and her husband was happy with her. Jillian said something to the effect of how laziness is not an excuse for gaining weight and there must have been another reason. After talking to her for a bit they determined that this lady did not have anything to look forward to with being healthy and fit. She was saying that if we just workout to workout we will fail often. No one enjoys the workout, only the success you feel afterwards. She then said something that hit me. I need to think of things that I will look forward to with being healthy. Yesterday evening I kept thinking of these things. One of the main things is when I go to a clothing store and I see some clothes that I like I want to just be able to buy it no matter what. Right now I have to search to see if they even have my size. It would feel incredible to know that I am a regular size. Next, I would like to be active with my son. Over the last couple of months since he was born we have sat in front of the tv a lot. When he is able to get up and move I want to be a good example to him so he can live his life to the fullest extent and be as happy as possible. I am sure other things will come to mind and things I would like to look forward to but these are just fine with me so far in my journey. Now, I just need to succeed.

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