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Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The Big Circle run

I just have to say that I am so proud of myself. Yesterday I was wanting to get out and go run but I did not think I was going to be able to do much. Running the day before made my legs way sore. Legs don't like 315lbs pounding on them while running. This is why I can't wait to get the strength back in them. When I first started running I made the decision that I needed to push myself past what I did they night before. It was going to be tough but I knew that I could and would be able to do it. About 1 mile into the run I had the idea that I wanted to make a big loop around my neighborhood. I had no idea how far it was. All I knew is that it was quite a bit further than the day before. It is so incredible how when you first start running you feel good but about 15-20 minutes in you feel like you need to stop because you are sore or tired. I have found that if you push past that point most of the time you catch your second wind (at least for me and my wussy beginner workouts). By the end of the run it was dark outside and pretty cold. When I came to the end I felt like I could run another mile at least but decided that my wife would not be too happy if the dinner got cold. Sometimes it sucks when you are working out but the feeling of pure happiness when you complete is what I look forward to.

I am going to call this run the big circle.

This is one of the most motivating things to me. When i get home I can actually see the work that I did because of my bodymedia armband. Averaging about 20 calories a minute is pretty decent in my book. How does that not make you feel great about what you just did. 

Slow and steady! haha. How cool is it going to be when I am able to go back and see how much I have progessed. I averaged about a 14 minute mile. Pretty sad but I just kept telling myself to keep on pushing and that I did.

This is the summary of my workout from my bodymedia arm band. 1061 CALORIES WOOHOO! Best calorie burn in one workout so far by a long shot.

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