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Wednesday, July 16, 2014

The Good and the Bad

I have been really frustrated with myself the last 3 days or so but at the same time so proud. Isn't it crazy how our mind sets can change so quickly. The last 3 days I have made really bad food choices. On Monday night my wife and I ordered Pizza and last night we went out to Sizzler. Why is it that putting food in your mouth is so hard to resist. The difference is in the past it never used to bother me. As I sit here typing this out today I am discusted with myself for my poor decisions and know I will be better. I have not lost a dietbet game thus far and I dont know where I am right now with my weight. It is going to be tough to make the goal of getting down to 238.1 lbs. I need to stay consistent from here on out with my workouts and my nutrition or you will get to split up my $35.
Back about 4-5 years ago I lost about 50 lbs and was feeling good until I sprained my ankle REALLY bad. I couldn't walk on it for about 2-3 weeks at all and took about 3 months to get back to regular. This caused me to stop working out and start eating like complete crap again. About a week and a half ago I was out with our local running club putting in my long run. At around mile 6 I started to get a pain in my right knee but thought nothing of it and kept on running on. I should have listened to my body because at mile 11 I had to stop because of the pain and walked about 1 1/2 miles back to my car. I was extremely sore for about 2-3 days but it got better. So, smart me, decided this past Saturday I would go out with the running club again and do the 14 mile route. When I started I was feeling incredible and was even in front of everyone that was running (about 10 people that morning). My wind and cardio was really good. at mile 9 we got to the bottom of the steep hill and I decided right then and there that I was going to make it to the top and was not going to stop. I was trucking up the hill and believe it or not I actually felt really good when I hit the top. I turned around to go back down and that is when it hit me. My right knee in the exact same location as the week previous. I started walking immediatly because I didn't want it to get worst. I did some research when I got home and it is my IT band that I am having issues with. I have decided with research and getting other opinions that I am going to take 1-2 weeks off of running to let my IT band heal and get back to 100%. It is really frustrating and scary because I have come so far and have almost hit the 100lb mark. I do not want this to be a repeat of so many failed attempts in the past. That is why as of right this minute I am getting back on the wagon and going hard. I am going to eat on diet 100% and find other cross training excersizes other than running to do until I can get back out there.
Last night I was asked to go fill in for a player on a fast pitch softball team. It had been years and years since I have played any kind of fast pitch baseball and never softball. I said that I would go help out and boy am I glad that I did for a couple of reasons. I had a blast being outside and being active. It didn't even feel like a workout because I was having so much fun. I even did decent and never struck out. I at least made contact with the ball each time I was up to bat. The best feeling about going out though is I could tell a huge difference moving around with the weight I have lost. I could move around freely without any problem all. I didnt get winded. I actually felt as if I was a tiny bit athletic as well.
What I have learned today after sitting down to write this is. I am always going to have ups and downs with my journey towards health. It is all about the mindset that I have and being able to realize that I can constantly get better. Just like my favorite quote from Vince Lombardi goes. "The only place success comes before work in the dictionary." Get out, get moving and we WILL have success in our lives.

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