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Monday, December 16, 2013

5 mile run in 9 degree weather

It has been over a week since I last ran and worked out because it has been "too cold". What a great excuse! Also over the last 3-4 days I have not been eating all that well. There have been Christmas parties and family get togethers. The good thing is I think I have learned that every once in a while I can splurge just a little bit but get back on track immediately after. I work up bright and early and decided it was time for a run. When I took the covers off of me I could tell it was extra cold but I had slacked long enough. 
The trick is to make sure you have really warm workout clothes (I will probably post on that in the next day or two). As you can see from the first 2 photos It was FREEZING. 9 degrees does not feel all that great especially with snow on the ground. You know I was working hard when you are sweating in 9 degree weather. My forehead was completely wet and then turned to ice on my eyelashes. The best part of the whole thing is I ran just under 5 miles and it felt great. I think I could have gone for another 1-2 miles for sure. Isn't it incredible how our bodies respond to us when we want them too. It is even more true when we train them accordingly. Let this be the motivation you need to get out and do the little that you need to get your life back on track. It really is simple. Eat better and move more. Do your body a favor and take care of it.  

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