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Thursday, December 19, 2013

Gear for outside run

Lately I have been doing a lot of running outside here in Utah. As I am sure you have guessed it is freezing outside. There has only been one day above freezing since December 3, 2013. As long as there is not snow on the streets I go outside to run. To be comfortable though you will need warm clothes. This post is going to be about the gear I wear when outside running.
On 12/16/13 I woke up before 5am and ran. Before I started I checked the weather on my phone and it stated that it was only 9 degrees outside. I was a little weary of starting but decided that it was for the best. I stayed so warm that I even sweat a fair amount in freezing temperatures.

 My favorite and most important part of the gear is the base layer. My choice is the Under Armour Cold Gear. It is a little pricey as it will run you about $50 for the top and another $50 for the bottoms but it is definately worth it. The pair that I have and wear are skin tight and keep you toasty warm. I use them throughout the year at different sporting events that are cold too so definately worth the money spent.

For most people their feet freeze when it is cold out. I am lucky and I have never had that problem. Through snowboarding in highschool to sitting in snow at BYU football games my feet have always been nice and toasty. I am lucky enough to be able to wear ankle high socks in the cold. I do, however, wear wool ones in the winter. It adds just that little bit of cold protection that I need to stay warm. I will say that the difference between running socks and regular socks have made a difference. The support and little bit of extra cushion makes my feet feel a little bit better than usual.


If you know me at all you will know that I am a huge BYU fan of all sports. This means that I have to support some kind of BYU gear when I am running. This Nike Jacket is the one that I generally wear (as long as it is clean). In my opinion it offers just enough wind resistance to keep me warm. It is light enough to not be a burden while running and doesnt get in the way. Every once in a while I like to vlog myself running as well and in that senario there is a front pocket to put my camera. Also a big thing to me is that my armband that my iphone sits in fits around the arm without any problem. It is thin enough to be able to do that.


This is a definate must have. It keeps you so warm and is breatheable. It covers enough of your face to make it bearable in those 9 degree temperatures I was talking about earlier. I just wish there was a fix for my forehead sweating so bad because the sweat was running down to my eyes and getting on my eyelashes and then turning to ice. It wasn't a huge deal. Actually, it was kind of cool to tell people that I was working out hard enough to sweat outside in freezing temperatures and it would turn to ice. If you do not have one of these it is time to go invest in one stat.


Gloves are a must have and are up with the base layer as being considered most important. While you run your hands are moving back and forth in the wind and can becoming freezing cold. This is something I don't go cheap with. I make sure to get a good pair of gloves that are not too bulky and are more importantly comfortable. Another thing that is important to me is that they are "smart" gloves so I can use them with my iphone to change the music or check how far I have ran with MapMyRun.

The fact of the matter though is dress as warm as you can but if you are dressed fairly warm and are still cold you just need to work out harder. Take it up that extra notch and get warm yourself. You can do it. If you have any other tips or recommendations feel free to leave a comment and let me know. I am always looking to become more prepared and a better runner.

1 comment:

  1. That Under Armor balaclava is on my Christmas list. My current fleece balaclava gives me a bit of trouble: my glasses get fogged while I run. So I end up making the choice between wanting to see the patchy, unshoveled, possibly icy sidewalk, and keeping my face warm. Face loses every time :)

    I've had good luck with gear from Gap and Old Navy. Old Navy compression pants have been warm enough until it hits the teens, and then I slip a pair of oversized sweatpants over it. (However, I'm not sure either of those places offer run/athletic gear for guys.) Target also has some decent clothing, if you aren't able to shell out for Under Armor.
