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Thursday, September 20, 2012


Yesterday was a pretty good day for me with getting my life back. I have decided that I need to go grocery shopping real bad because there is not much in our ho use right now! That makes it real hard to eat healthy. Yesterday morning I had a banana and a string cheese, for lunch turkey on a Chibatta bun and an apple and for dinner chicken and rice that Shaileen made. I could have been better but it was pretty good. Last night I made it to the gym too. I was struggling through the first 10 or so minutes on the elliptical but after that I hit my second wind. I did 3.2 miles in 30 minutes and burned about 600 calories with a 5 minute cool down. I also did a bunch of ab gut exercises too. I ended up being there for about an hour or so. I woke up this morning and I am down 8.4 lbs since Monday night! I hope I can keep it up and when that plateau comes I wnat to have the will power to work through it! I CAN DO IT!

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