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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Best workout so far!

Tonight I kicked my butt. I went to the gym around 8ish pm and immediately got on the elliptical. My legs felt real good today and could have gone longer but I had the intensity too high at the end so my heart was racing! I put in 35 minutes on the elliptical, about 3.8 miles and 705 calories! I then went and jumped on the stationary bike and rode 7.5 miles in just 25 minutes approx and that included a cool down just like on the elliptical. I feel great tonight and as I lie here in bed I can't stop thinking how proud I am of the work I have put in! I know that this is going to be a long journey and a lifetime of change and commitment but I can and will do it! As for my diet today I did pretty good. I forgot to get up and eat breakfast but for lunch I got a subway sandwich with no cheese and for dinner I had 3 eggs, toast with homeade strawberry jelly and a cup of canteloupe.

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