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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The Start

I am making this blog mostly for myself. If you want to check it out and follow that would be great too. I have been struggling with my weight since I was about 16ish. That is when I started gaining weight. The excuse I had in highschool was that I was a lineman on the football team but I was also working out daily with the team as well so I was big but more of a healthy big (if that makes sense). After high school I didn't have a reason to work out so I didn't for a couple of years. One day about 5 1/2 years ago I decided I needed to change my life and get back in shape. I made the concious effort to get a gym pass to 24 hour fitness and went daily and if not some times twice a day. I was eating real good every day. I also made the effort to not drink any soda anymore. No carbonation at all. I went about 6 months or so and lost about 50-60 lbs if I remember correcly. For some reason or another I got off of the weightloss bandwagon and started eating bad again. The thing I have been proud of myself for is for these 5 1/2 years approx I have never had carbonation at all thoughout this long time. It has been the only constant in my life and I plan to continue with it. Over the past couple of years I have been doing the all to famous yo-yo diet losing 25-40 lbs at a time. My wife this past week got real sick and asked me to take her to the hospital. We found out that she has gallstones and she has to have surgery this coming week to get her gallbladder taken out. We eat the same food for the most part every day and if she is having these problems there is a good chance I am not far off as well. On Monday night I was contemplating this and so I got up and went to the gym and got a good sweat on. I don't know why it is so hard for me to get my butt up and go to the gym because I always feel so much better when I do. Hopefully with this blog it will give me a little more motivation to get up and get healthy and get in shape. If you do follow I appreciate it and any words of motivation, encouragement, or advise is certainly welcome. Wish me luck!

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