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Thursday, September 27, 2012

I had self control

Last night after work we went over to Shaileen's Step Dad's house to celebrate his birthday! They had some good looking German Chocolate Cake and Yellow cake with vanilla ice cream. I had the will power to say no thank you. I understand it is not bad to have something every once in a while but it was not for me last night. I have heard from a podcast as well as other websites that it is good to have a little bit of sweets everyday so you dont have the desire to binge eat in the future. I can see how that works but I don't know how it would work for me. It is almost like giving an alcoholic a sip of beer so they dont crave it. I dont know though, guess I will just have to test it out and see what works best for me. I was a little worried last night when we went over to their house a little late because I knew we would get home late too. I didn't want that to effect my desire to go to the gym. I had the desire though still but did not get there until about 9pm and got home just after 10pm. My legs were absolutely dead from the work out the night before though. I did the best I could and burned about 700 calories in that hour which I was just ok with, a little disappointed but thought I could do better. I am interested to find out how my legs are tonight because as I sit here at work this morning they are sore and tired. Maybe I should just do a weight training day. We will see I guess. By the way, the fruit basket at my desk at work has been great. I know it has been only one day but it is easier to grab something healthy rather than crap that I used to eat! You should try it out!!!!!

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