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Monday, October 1, 2012


I was reading Shaileen's Aunts blog and I learned somthing so simple but so effective at the same time. You can find her blog here. She was saying how sometimes when we are brought to foods that we are not going to eat because of our new lift change to be healthy we say that WE CAN'T eat it. She was saying that it is a horrible way to look at it. When I am placed with a thing that I can't do sometimes it drives me to do it anyways. They way that we need to think is that I DON'T from now on. I DON'T do it because I am living a healthy life. I think this little mind change can and will make a big difference in my life. I have not had soda in almost 5 years and this is the way I have looked at it with soda. I can't wait to say that it has been 5 years of good healthy eating and for the rest of my life as well!

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