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Wednesday, November 28, 2012



Thursday, October 25, 2012



Monday, October 22, 2012

Crappy Weekend Diet

To be absolutely honest the food I ate this past weekend was straight crap! I don't know why I do this. I need to remind myself that getting myself in the position that I am in with my weight didnt happen in a couple of weeks, it took years. It is going to take time get to where I want to be and it is going to be baby steps. I have the will power and I will do this!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Hard time tonight

Today I was WAY sore from the gym yesterday! I was sitting downstairs this evening watching a tv show with Shaileen and I was having a hard time getting up to go to the gym. I finally talked myself into going and I am glad I did. I did not work out that hard but I know my body will thank me. I read. Little quote it said something to the effect that it doesn't matter how fast we go because we are lapping the people at home on their couches everyday! The only thing that sucked about tonight is that I dropped my phone and broke my headphones! Ugh... Guess I will be buying some new headphones tomorrow!!!

Starting to feel different

Man it feels good to start bring healthy. I can feel a bit of difference in the size if my stomach and can definitely feel a difference already in my strength from weight training! I really don't know why I have struggled in the past with making it to the gym and being healthy and eating well. I LOVE MY BODY

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Bountiful baskets

We went and picked up our bountiful basket this morning! We got some pretty decent stuff! Especially for only $15! I am not sure how often we will do bountiful baskets but I am excited to eat what we got!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Nice dinner

Tonight I was home alone because Shaileen went to a baby shower with my mom and sisters! This left me to making dinner for myself tonight! Not much sounded good and I was searching through the kitchen for about 15-20 minutes until I remembered that I bought some broccoli stuffed chicken from Harmons last week that is not breaded! It was delicious and hit the spot. I also had a salad with lite Italian dressing that is only 35 calories for 2 tablespoons and some kind of topping that we found at the store but I don't really know what it is! Of course I had a big glass of ice water too!

I'm excited for tomorrow morning because we ordered a bountiful basket and we have not gotten one for several months. I will definately do a post on what I get. I am a little nervous though cause it is getting to the season where not much is being produced.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Weigh-In Tomorrow

Can't wait for tomorrow morning to come so I can jump on the scale and see my weight progress. I have decided that for the next while I am not going to weigh in every day and to just weigh in on Wednesdays and Saturdays. I think it will be better for my mind not seeing my weight fluctuate during this process. It is nice seeing the weight drop but I am more excited to get healthy. Thanks to all that watch and view this blog as it helps give me motivation. This is not going to be a thing that is going to be for a couple of months. It HAS to be a lifelong decision.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Getting healthy in more than one way!

This past weekend was LDS General Conference! This is where our general authorities of our church speak to us specifically about our life on earth today to make us more successful and happy. To just become the best person we can be when it comes time for Christ to return again. Instead if sitting in front if the tv for hours I got up and went to the gym and did an hour of weight lifting focusing on my chest and biceps, and then put in just over 5 miles doing cardio while I was listening to the morning session of conference! I decided that why just sit there. I may as well burn some calories while I am doing it so I can get my life back!

Heathy eating and football

If you remember my post about a week ago I said that I had fallen off track a little because of college football and the eating that comes with it. My mindset has changed completely lately after the blog I posted recently where I have decided that I just don't eat certain things to make my body as healthy as possible. At the byu game in Friday night Shaileen and I went to a healthy stand and I got a fruit bowl. It was a little out of season but was still delicious! I am so proud of myself with these small steps that I have been making towards a life full of healthy happiness.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Buring calories at work

This past week Shaileen has been off of work becuase she had surgery. During each of my breaks at work lately I have been walking for the whole 15 minutes or at least 15-25 minutes during lunch. It is nice to get outside mostly but also burn a couple of calories while doing so.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Presidential Debate while working out.

Last night I was having a hard time getting up to go to the gym because I was watching the presidential debate. I am not a political person at all but thought it was interesting what each of them were saying and could not get myself to get up and go. Then I remembered that I could steam KSL radio through my phone and listen to it so I jumped up and went. It was a leg day and I killed my legs and then did some cardio. It was a good workout, not as hard of cardio as I have done recently but still good.

Hair Swap

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

How to shop healthy!

I was reading website yesterday while at work about good healthy things to buy at the grocery store. Usually when I go I have a hard time deciding what to purchase and it is always just what I see that sounds good. There was a line on that website that I loved. It said something to the effect of  "stay on the perimeter of the grocery store" that is where all of the healthy stuff is to eat. I had never thought of it that way in the past. Of course there are some things that are healthy on the inside isles but it is safe to stay on the outside. When I went to grab a couple things at Harmons Grocery store yesterday I tried this out other than salad dressing and it worked very well. I plan to use this plan as much as I can from now on.

here is a little diagram of what I found yesterday!

weight training and many miles

Usually I am more of a cardio freak but I have been reading and decided that I need to do some weight training with my cardio. Last night when I went to the gym I first did weights and sit ups before I got too sweaty and feel bad to get the machines all nasty. I did weight training for about 30 or so minutes and focused on back and bicepts. On the myfitnesspal app I found that I can input strength training also. I can input sets, reps and weight. It will be nice to see my progression over the next little while and be able to see how weak I am right now compared to how I am going to be! Also yesterday on the elliptical I did 4 miles, 8 miles on the stationary bike too! I was a sweaty mess when I left. I found a quote today on instagram that said "It took more than a day to put it on. It will take more than a day to take it off. Move" I need to remember this more often because I want instant results. I need to remember that it is my health that I need to keep in mind!

Monday, October 1, 2012


I was reading Shaileen's Aunts blog and I learned somthing so simple but so effective at the same time. You can find her blog here. She was saying how sometimes when we are brought to foods that we are not going to eat because of our new lift change to be healthy we say that WE CAN'T eat it. She was saying that it is a horrible way to look at it. When I am placed with a thing that I can't do sometimes it drives me to do it anyways. They way that we need to think is that I DON'T from now on. I DON'T do it because I am living a healthy life. I think this little mind change can and will make a big difference in my life. I have not had soda in almost 5 years and this is the way I have looked at it with soda. I can't wait to say that it has been 5 years of good healthy eating and for the rest of my life as well!

Friday, September 28, 2012

I love sweat!

Can I just say that it has felt so good lately going to the gym. I need to remember this feeling when I have no desire to get off my butt and make it to the gym. Last night I broke my regular regimen and jumped on the treadmill rather than the elliptical. I have found that I swear a lot harder and quicker than the elliptical but I can definitely go longer on the elliptical! I ran about 3 miles on the treadmill in about 30-35 minutes. Then I jumped on the stationary bike to get my heart rate to decrease. I then jumped on the rowing machine. I have a love/hate relationship with the rowing machine. It works so well but it sucks while I am doing it usually! When I got on it last night I was searching through the menu and found some games that are downloaded on the machine! My favorite one was the fish game. You are a fish that moves up and down depending on how much effort you row with and then eat other fish for points. It is nice to have some fun with the workout rather than just rowing and watching the clock. I knew I was sweating but when I got home I was really proud of myself. My shirt was absolutely soaked!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

I had self control

Last night after work we went over to Shaileen's Step Dad's house to celebrate his birthday! They had some good looking German Chocolate Cake and Yellow cake with vanilla ice cream. I had the will power to say no thank you. I understand it is not bad to have something every once in a while but it was not for me last night. I have heard from a podcast as well as other websites that it is good to have a little bit of sweets everyday so you dont have the desire to binge eat in the future. I can see how that works but I don't know how it would work for me. It is almost like giving an alcoholic a sip of beer so they dont crave it. I dont know though, guess I will just have to test it out and see what works best for me. I was a little worried last night when we went over to their house a little late because I knew we would get home late too. I didn't want that to effect my desire to go to the gym. I had the desire though still but did not get there until about 9pm and got home just after 10pm. My legs were absolutely dead from the work out the night before though. I did the best I could and burned about 700 calories in that hour which I was just ok with, a little disappointed but thought I could do better. I am interested to find out how my legs are tonight because as I sit here at work this morning they are sore and tired. Maybe I should just do a weight training day. We will see I guess. By the way, the fruit basket at my desk at work has been great. I know it has been only one day but it is easier to grab something healthy rather than crap that I used to eat! You should try it out!!!!!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


This is something good to remember! I want to tell myself that I don't have enough time to get to the gym but I can and will make time to get my life back. Would I rather work out 1 hour per day or be dead 24 hours per day? I saw this quote and absolutely loved it!

My Expectations

I expect to look like Clay Matthews in a few weeks! I WISH!

Resolving Work Cravings

A lot of times through out the work day I either do not eat so I overeat later, or I snack on too much CRAP! I made the decision that I wanted a fruit basket at my desk so I could snack throughout the day but on good stuff. I got this cool  basket from target for only $8 and then bought a bunch of fruit. I hope this helps the cravings I get. I think it will.
I found this quote today on instagram and I need to live by it...

Best workout so far!

Tonight I kicked my butt. I went to the gym around 8ish pm and immediately got on the elliptical. My legs felt real good today and could have gone longer but I had the intensity too high at the end so my heart was racing! I put in 35 minutes on the elliptical, about 3.8 miles and 705 calories! I then went and jumped on the stationary bike and rode 7.5 miles in just 25 minutes approx and that included a cool down just like on the elliptical. I feel great tonight and as I lie here in bed I can't stop thinking how proud I am of the work I have put in! I know that this is going to be a long journey and a lifetime of change and commitment but I can and will do it! As for my diet today I did pretty good. I forgot to get up and eat breakfast but for lunch I got a subway sandwich with no cheese and for dinner I had 3 eggs, toast with homeade strawberry jelly and a cup of canteloupe.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Uh Oh, Weekend at the Condo!

This past weekend we went up with my side of the family to a condo in Eden UT that is called the Wolf Creek resort. We had a blast but it had some negative results on my weight loss journey. The main problem is the family planned the meals and everything was junk. That is my fault as well not to be proactive and plan what I was going to eat up there. I did put some lbs back on but I am still down a total of 3 lbs. The good news is I did have some opportunities to get off of my butt and move. Saturday morning we went golfing, walked around a festival in Ogden and played some intense raquetball as well. On Sunday morning we got up and went on a hike also. I look forward to getting back on track with my diet and getting some miles in on the treadmill/elliptical also.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Dang College Football

Can I just say that I love college football! The only problem this brings with it is the eating that comes with it. Last night was the BYU vs Boise St game. We got together as a big family and watched it and everyone brought some food. Shaileen brough some grilled chicken and some rolls. That really helped me but the doughnut holes, m&m's and other sweets just were not good to me! I need to have more self control. I just feel bad sometimes that people make and bring all of this food and no one eats it sometimes. This weekend we are going on a little trip with my family. Hopefully I am able to make it to the gym, play golf and raquetball like I have planned. Wish me luck!

Thursday, September 20, 2012


Yesterday was a pretty good day for me with getting my life back. I have decided that I need to go grocery shopping real bad because there is not much in our ho use right now! That makes it real hard to eat healthy. Yesterday morning I had a banana and a string cheese, for lunch turkey on a Chibatta bun and an apple and for dinner chicken and rice that Shaileen made. I could have been better but it was pretty good. Last night I made it to the gym too. I was struggling through the first 10 or so minutes on the elliptical but after that I hit my second wind. I did 3.2 miles in 30 minutes and burned about 600 calories with a 5 minute cool down. I also did a bunch of ab gut exercises too. I ended up being there for about an hour or so. I woke up this morning and I am down 8.4 lbs since Monday night! I hope I can keep it up and when that plateau comes I wnat to have the will power to work through it! I CAN DO IT!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


It has been a while since I bought a new pair of shoes. With me wanting to get back to the gym I went and splurged a little bit. These are my new shoes that I got! I have a few pairs that are the exact same but different colors. They are the most comforable shoes ever and dang good looking too! Hopefully this will give me the extra kick in the butt when I dont want to go to the gym.

The Start

I am making this blog mostly for myself. If you want to check it out and follow that would be great too. I have been struggling with my weight since I was about 16ish. That is when I started gaining weight. The excuse I had in highschool was that I was a lineman on the football team but I was also working out daily with the team as well so I was big but more of a healthy big (if that makes sense). After high school I didn't have a reason to work out so I didn't for a couple of years. One day about 5 1/2 years ago I decided I needed to change my life and get back in shape. I made the concious effort to get a gym pass to 24 hour fitness and went daily and if not some times twice a day. I was eating real good every day. I also made the effort to not drink any soda anymore. No carbonation at all. I went about 6 months or so and lost about 50-60 lbs if I remember correcly. For some reason or another I got off of the weightloss bandwagon and started eating bad again. The thing I have been proud of myself for is for these 5 1/2 years approx I have never had carbonation at all thoughout this long time. It has been the only constant in my life and I plan to continue with it. Over the past couple of years I have been doing the all to famous yo-yo diet losing 25-40 lbs at a time. My wife this past week got real sick and asked me to take her to the hospital. We found out that she has gallstones and she has to have surgery this coming week to get her gallbladder taken out. We eat the same food for the most part every day and if she is having these problems there is a good chance I am not far off as well. On Monday night I was contemplating this and so I got up and went to the gym and got a good sweat on. I don't know why it is so hard for me to get my butt up and go to the gym because I always feel so much better when I do. Hopefully with this blog it will give me a little more motivation to get up and get healthy and get in shape. If you do follow I appreciate it and any words of motivation, encouragement, or advise is certainly welcome. Wish me luck!